Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Explain the causes of European exploration and analyze the changes Essay

Explain the causes of European exploration and analyze the changes this caused in the Americas - Essay Example Due to this, Europeans wanted to figure out alternative routes in order to decrease their cost of travelling and this led to the creation of a route to Asia which passed through the horn of Africa. Before the period of Exploration, the wealth of Europeans had declined as a result of wars and in order to obtain more wealth, Europeans started exploring other nations in search of commodity such as gold and goods to trade. Exploration conducted by Europeans even led to the development of technology used for sailing, this purpose led to the development of Portuguese caravel which assisted the Europeans to travel to the middle regions of the sea. One of the main aims of the European explorers was to spread the religion of Christianity in different regions such as Asia. The Europeans of that era were highly influenced by the Roman Catholic Church and they were indulged in spreading Christianity under this church. Exploration had a series of negative and positive impacts on the Americans. The most negative impact was the death of huge number of natives as result of diseases that transferred from the Europeans to the Americans and the wars that took place between the two societies and due to enslavement of the Americans. Christopher Columbus was the one who enslaved over 250,000 Arawaks and only a total of 500 of the enslaved ones lived alive by the period of 1550. During the 15th century, horses were imported into Americas and a huge number of these horses escaped into the wild regions where they increased in number due to reproduction and soon horses became a mode of transportation for the Northern American tribes and this travel instrument helped them in trading goods and services with other tribes. The diseases that came along with the Europeans and badly impacted the people of Americas were measles and chicken pox and these diseases proved to be deadly for the natives (Goldfield, 2011,

Monday, February 3, 2020

Internal Software Audits are more effective than External Software Article

Internal Software Audits are more effective than External Software Audits - Article Example One of the major reasons behind this may be because today almost all the companies are aware of risk factors involved in the core functionalities. A software audit is a process of conducting elaborative and detailed examination of each and every activity with in the purview of policies followed in the organisation. It not only includes the identification of core business areas as well as the tools and technologies used for those functions, the validity of those technologies that is their licences and number of licenses for particular software package. Therefore regular and timely audits are the great requirement of all the organization as it controls the occurrences of failures or frauds and helps in managing the risks. Thus software audits also helps in assuring the quality of the product whether it fulfils the requirement of customer or not. But they are not at all related to source code audits. All these factors demand that there must be some quantitative and qualitative way to check the quality of the software and software audits help tremendously in achieving this objective. Broadly there are following two different types of audits, which can be further sub, divided into sub categories. In first party quality audits, coalescence to the documented and acknowledged quality systems is scrutinized. Broadly speaking it is a type of internal audit, which proves the correct functionality of quality management system in an organisation. The first party audit is accomplished within the purview of an organisation with the core objective of measuring its potency and frailty against the strategies and methodologies followed by the organisation, against the external standards obligatory on the organisation. The organisation may recruit auditors, who don't have their benefits resides, for conducting such type of audits. According to the quality and environment audit standard ISO 19011 independence of audit team from the activities being audited is considered and conflicts of interest should be avoided when selecting the audit team members. Outsourcing an audit program to some other equally capable company saves the time of internal employees and they can do their day-to-day acti vities efficiently and effectively. Moreover auditors are more objective and impartial and organisation may benefit from the experiences of auditors. They also help the organisation in formulating new policies, procedures, and practices and revise the existing ones. Internal auditors often help in executing other activities like merger, acquisition, and transition etc of an organisation. Thus they help the top management to adjudge preserve and regulate that include suitable documentation and audit trails during the organisation's acquisition planning and implementation processes. An effective external audit function endow the board of directors and management with: Feasible certainty about the efficacy of internal control, accuracy and completeness of all the activities of an organisation An independent and objective view of a organisation's activities Information useful to directors and management in maintaining an organisation's risk management processes. The objective of recruiting